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Arduino: Transmit 10-bit ADC Reading Through Serial

So the standard Serial.write() or Serial.print in Arduino land is 8-bit All this really means is we need to send one byte ( bits) at a time. If we try to send 10 bits, then bad things happen.

On top of that, it’s better to setup a secret word for start and another one for end. This is the same thing that naked couples do when they get out the power tools. They need safe words. Maybe we all do. Anyhow, by telling our receiver not to bother receiving until it hears the start word and not to finish until it hears the end word, we can be much more confident that the data we are receiving is legit.

A good chunk of this code was taken from various sources from this article.


// Uses ATmega4808  (Thunder Magnum dev board)
#include <Arduino.h>

#define LEDPIN PIN_PA7
#define LEDPIN2 PIN_PA6

int sensorValue;
int newsensorValue;

#define MONITOR_SPEED 115200
void setup()
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);

  // Setup serial with 2nd ucontroller
  Serial.begin(MONITOR_SPEED); // PA0 is tx and PA1 is rx

  // Setup serial with computer
  Serial1.begin(MONITOR_SPEED); // PC0 is tx.   PC1 is rx.

void loop()

  // 10 bit ADC read
  newsensorValue = analogRead(PIN_PD0);

  // throw away the lowest 8 bytes to send just the biggest 2 bits
  int Bigbyte = (newsensorValue >> 8);

  // AND 0b1111111 with ADC read to keep only the lowest 8 bits
  int Littlebyte = newsensorValue & 0xFF;

  // talk to computer com port
  Serial1.print("sending: ");

  // combine back together and talk to computer ( sanity check )
  Serial1.println((Bigbyte << 8) + Littlebyte);

  byte startMarker = 0x3C;
  byte endMarker = 0x3E;

  // Talk to 2nd microcontroller



// Uses ATmega4808  (Thunder Magnum dev board)
#include <Arduino.h>

#define LEDPIN PIN_PA7
#define LEDPIN2 PIN_PA6

void showNewData();
void recvBytesWithStartEndMarkers();

const byte numBytes = 32;
byte receivedBytes[numBytes];
byte numReceived = 0;

boolean newData = false;

#define MONITOR_SPEED 115200
void setup()
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);

  Serial.begin(MONITOR_SPEED);  // PA0 is tx and PA1 is rx
  Serial1.begin(MONITOR_SPEED); // PC0 is tx.   PC1 is rx.

  digitalWriteFast(LEDPIN, LOW);

void loop()

void recvBytesWithStartEndMarkers()
  static boolean recvInProgress = false;
  static byte ndx = 0;
  byte startMarker = 0x3C;
  byte endMarker = 0x3E;
  byte rb;

  while (Serial.available() > 0 && newData == false)
    rb =;
    if (recvInProgress == true)
      if (rb != endMarker)
        receivedBytes[ndx] = rb;
        if (ndx >= numBytes)
          ndx = numBytes - 1;
        receivedBytes[ndx] = '\0'; // terminate the string
        recvInProgress = false;
        numReceived = ndx; // save the number for use when printing
        ndx = 0;
        newData = true;

    else if (rb == startMarker)
      recvInProgress = true;

void showNewData()
  if (newData == true)
    Serial1.println("Received: ");
    int receivedandformatted = (receivedBytes[0] << 8) + receivedBytes[1];

    newData = false;
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CR10 Configure E-Steps With This Gcode File

The code below will heat the hot end nozzle up to 185 and then set the e-steps to 147.19, and then slowly extrude 100mm of filament.

To use it, mark a line 120mm from your extruder on your filament. Run this gcode as if Cura spit it out. Measure the line. You want to be at 20mm when it’s done.

100 / ( 120 – measurement_after_extruding ) * current Esteps = New_Esteps.

The measurement_after_extruding is the distance from your extruder to your line after extruding. You are shooting for 20mm

M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
 ;*** Start Preheating ***
 M104 S185 T0 ; start preheating hotend
 G28 ; home
 M109 S185 T0 ; heat hotend to 185 
 ;*** End Preheating ***
 M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate
 M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate
 G28 ;Home
 G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
 G1 Z20.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up
 G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
 G1 Z10.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up
 M92 E147.19; set e-steps to 141
 G92 E0  
 G1 E100 F100   ; Extrude 100mm
 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
 M104 S0
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ESP32TimerInterrupt Simple Example

Here’s a stripped down example of Khoi Hoang’s ESP32TimerInterrupt library. The library claims to run up to 16 compares (or alarms) on one, single timer. It seems to work well although I’ve only tested 3 timers thus far. I plan to use it on my Idiot Christmas Light Controller controlling triacs.

include <Arduino.h>
   For ESP32 boards
   Written by Khoi Hoang
 Built by Khoi Hoang
   Licensed under MIT license
 This is the most basic example using Khoi Hoang's ESP32TimerInterrupt library.  
   The library works well, but I found myself wanting an ultra basic version to understand the functionality
 include "ESP32TimerInterrupt.h"
 // Change these to whatever GPIO you'd like to toggle
 define LED0 25 // GPIO 25
 define LED1 27 // GPIO 27
 define LED2 33 // GPIO 33
 // The lenght of each timer in milliseconds
 define TIMER0_INTERVAL_MS 100
 define TIMER1_INTERVAL_MS 3000
 define TIMER2_INTERVAL_MS 400
 void IRAM_ATTR TimerHandler0(void)
   static bool toggle0 = false;
 //timer interrupt toggles pin LED0
   digitalWrite(LED0, toggle0);
   toggle0 = !toggle0;
 void IRAM_ATTR TimerHandler1(void)
   static bool toggle1 = false;
 //timer interrupt toggles LED1
   digitalWrite(LED1, toggle1);
   toggle1 = !toggle1;
 void IRAM_ATTR TimerHandler2(void)
   static bool toggle2 = false;
 //timer interrupt toggles LED2
   digitalWrite(LED2, toggle2);
   toggle2 = !toggle2;
 // Init ESP32 timer 0,1, and 2
 ESP32Timer ITimer0(0);
 ESP32Timer ITimer1(1);
 ESP32Timer ITimer2(2);
 void setup()
 pinMode(LED0, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
   while (!Serial)
 Serial.print(F("\nStarting TimerInterruptTest on "));
 Serial.print(F("CPU Frequency = "));
   Serial.print(F_CPU / 1000000);
   Serial.println(F(" MHz"));
 // Using ESP32  => 80 / 160 / 240MHz CPU clock ,
   // For 64-bit timer counter
   // For 16-bit timer prescaler up to 1024
 // Setup Timer0
   // Interval in microsecs
   if (ITimer0.attachInterruptInterval(TIMER0_INTERVAL_MS * 1000, TimerHandler0))
     Serial.print(F("Starting  ITimer0 OK, millis() = "));
     Serial.println(F("Can't set ITimer0. Select another freq. or timer"));
 // Setup Timer1
   // Interval in microsecs
   if (ITimer1.attachInterruptInterval(TIMER1_INTERVAL_MS * 1000, TimerHandler1))
     Serial.print(F("Starting  ITimer1 OK, millis() = "));
     Serial.println(F("Can't set ITimer1. Select another freq. or timer"));
 // Setup Timer2
   // Interval in microsecs
   if (ITimer2.attachInterruptInterval(TIMER2_INTERVAL_MS * 1000, TimerHandler2))
     Serial.print(F("Starting  ITimer2 OK, millis() = "));
     Serial.println(F("Can't set ITimer1. Select another freq. or timer"));
 void loop()