The STM32 Blue Pill is nothing new, but it may be new to you. In my view, fans of the Arduino Uno are missing out. There are numerous downsides to the Arduino Uno: no debugger, slow performance, and many others I discuss here. The STM32 Blue Pill ain’t perfect, though. It’s got a too-good-to-be-true price, which is actually a problem. I’ll talk about all of that, the fun of getting burned with a soldering iron, the need to shut off the voices in your head when getting your butt kicked by any formidable task.
Tag: STM32
MIDI Test Code on Arduino and STM32 Blue Pill
This code turns the onboard PC13 LED of the STM32 Blue Pill on when a MIDI NoteOn message is received and turns the LED off when a MIDI Noteoff message is received. It’s my preferred way to confirm that a MIDI circuit is working. It relies on the Arduino MIDI Library.
#include <MIDI.h>
#define LED PC13 // LED pin on Arduino Uno
void doSomeStuffWithNoteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity);
void NoteOff(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity);
void setup()
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
void loop()
void doSomeStuffWithNoteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity)
// note on code goes here
digitalWrite(PC13, LOW);
void NoteOff(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity)
// note off code goes here
digitalWrite(PC13, HIGH);
Blue Pill STM32 Clones Brown Out or Become Unresponsive
The Problem: The STM32 Blue Pill sometimes dies for no apparent reason. On the PSU, it’s pulling 30mA and then for now apparent reason, the current draw reduces to 10mA (for the power indicator LED, presumably) and the microcontroller appears dead. It only seems to occur when powered from a power supply to the 5V pin. Once it occurs, giving the 3.3V pin power instead appears to do no good.
For some reason, I’ve been able to fix the problem reliability by removing external power and powering the STM32 via the Stlink clone along with the CLK, GND, and IO pins. Voltage SHOULD be voltage in such a situation, but maybe the IO pin has some kind of effect. I’m really not sure. If anyone knows, please pass on why.
I’ve wondered if the problem is some kind of BOR brownout problem, but I haven’t done the work to find out yet. It only seems to happen with the CS32F103C8T6 STM32 Blue Pill clones (which I currently have 9 of I need to burn through and never buy again.)
Smooth Fading LEDs With STM32 Blue Pill on Arduino Platform
The smooth fading of LEDs is possible, but it’s best to have 16 bits to work with and ditch the linear world.
// My code
dutyCycle = pow(1.03, time_increment);
// Math equivalent
y = 1.03^x
Above is the most interesting piece of code today. dutyCycle for this code is a number from 0 – 65535. (16-bit resolution is (2^16 – 1 = 65535).
I have the time_increment set to 10ms. So, basically, we are going to increase the dutycyle by 3% every 10ms. You’ll see below that I settled on 375 steps with each time taking 10ms. By using a time_increment that is set to increase every X milliseconds, it’s easy to control the speed of the fading.
WHY 1.03?
To get the 1.03 value, I worked backward and shot for a ballpark rating of 400 individual steps of brightness. Why? No idea.
After some playing, I figured out that 1.03^375 = 65156. 375 steps works for me. The big rule is we can’t exceed 65535 or the microcontroller will rollover.
To put it another way, 65535 + 1 = 0 in digital land. It’s no different than any other cyclical process. In military time, if you add another minute to 23:59, you get 00:00.
For our purposes, we didn’t want rollover. We want to smoothly fade the LED up to it’s maximum brightness and then back down.
Much like our ears, eyes have evolved to handle an atrocious level of dynamic range. Such systems play in the world of logs and exponentials (same thing after you flip the graph axis around). It’s one of those scientific marvels that we can make sense of a duty cycle of 65535 and still tell the difference between 500 and 600. In a linear system, we’d have to pick one extreme or the other.
It turned out that the dutyCycle code above spent a ton of time in the bottom region. After 50 increments of time, for example, the duty cycle would be 4 (1.03^50 = approx 4). That’s “off” in terms of LED brightness to my eyes. There’s a solution.
Remember that 1.03^375 = 65156. Technically, this wastes a bit of our headroom. We have 65535 to work with and our problem is we are spending too much time down around 0. The lucky fix is to use an offset much like you may have learned (and forgotten) in Alegebra class.
y = mx + b
This is a linear function, but the idea of “b” is the same. “b” lets us shift our function up our down. We want to shift the whole thing up. To get our “b” I took 65535 – 65156 to get 379. Let’s just say 375 to be conservative.
// New Code
dutyCycle = pow(1.03, time_increment) + 375;
// Math equivalent
y = 1.03^x + 375.
Now the LEDs do what they are supposed to. There is not excessive time spent with the LEDs “off”. So, at time = 0, we end up with a duty cycle of 376. (1 + 375). 376/65535 * 100 = 0.5% actual duty cycle. In reality, this is a brightness of zero. Solved!
#include <Arduino.h>
#define PWM1_pin PA8
#define PWM2_pin PA9
#define PWM3_pin PA10
#define INCREMENTER 100
void CycleA(int pin, int pwm_limit)
int run = 1;
long timeA = 0;
int countUp = 1;
int dutyCycle = 1;
int time_increment = 0;
while (run == 1)
long currentTime = millis();
if (pin == 1)
analogWrite(PWM1_pin, dutyCycle);
if (pin == 2)
analogWrite(PWM2_pin, dutyCycle);
if (pin == 3)
analogWrite(PWM3_pin, dutyCycle);
if (currentTime - timeA > 10)
dutyCycle = pow(1.03, time_increment);
timeA = currentTime;
if (dutyCycle > pwm_limit)
//dutyCycle = 1;
//time_increment = 0;
countUp = 0;
if (dutyCycle < 10 && countUp == 0)
countUp = 1;
run = 0;
if (countUp == 1)
void setup()
// All PWM pins need to be set as output
// Note: I've seen multiple examples in which the PWM pins were set to "PWM" instead of "OUTPUT". I have no explanation for that other than maybe they are using
// the other guy's STM32-to-Arduino library.
pinMode(PWM1_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PWM2_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PWM3_pin, OUTPUT);
// Change the analogWrite function to operate at 16-bit. It maxes out at 65535 instead of the 255 of 8-bit.
void loop()
// CycleA( pin_number, duty_cycle_limit).
// This function allows selecting a pin number and sets the duty cycle limit on a scale of 0-65535.
// You'll see below that the 10000 for LED Color #1 is there because this was an LED strip that was exceedingly bright.
// Basically, the duty_cycle_limit is a brightness limiter.
// I didn't take the time to pass the pin define (PA8, PA9, and PA10) through a function.
// Run LED Sequence for LED Color #1
CycleA(1, 10000);
// Run LED Sequence for LED Color #2
CycleA(2, 65000);
// Red LED Sequence for LED Color #3.
CycleA(3, 65000);
Microchip 25LC256 EEPROM on STM32 Blue Pill and Arduino
For the big, bad synth project, I needed an EEPROM. I selected the Microchip 25LC256 from Digikey simply because it had excess capacity (256k) and was thru-hole. (I always recommend this approach when jumping into a new arena of unpolished prototyping). I had never worked with external EEPROM before. It turns out that EEPROM is fairly straight forward. You pick an address and you write to it. It’s not all that different from how a file cabinet works. When you run out of room in one drawer, you move on to the next drawer. Sometimes you want to put stuff in separate drawers even if they aren’t full. These”drawers” are known as pages.
The page size in the Microchip 25LC256 is 64 bytes. At the moment, each preset for my synth requires about 40 bytes, so this means I’m gonna waste 24 bytes per page in the interest of staying organized. There are many other chips in the 25LCxxx series of varying sizes. The smaller capacity EEPROM chips use smaller page sizes, which means I’ll need to dedicate multiple pages to each preset. You’ll see a function to write a 64 byte array to the EEPROM all at once below. This is significantly faster than writing one byte at a time as there is a 5ms penalty after finishing up the write process no matter if you are writing 1 byte or 64 bytes.
Of course, it took longer than I hoped to effectively use the Microchip 25LC256 EEPROM. What else is new! You’ll certainly want to adapt these functions below to suit your needs, but this code does work on an STM32 Blue Pill in PlatformIO using the Arduino framework. I suspect the critical piece I was missing was slowing down the SPI clock. You’ll see this code uses a clock divider of 16. According to the datasheet, the larger the Vcc, the faster clock you can get away with.
I’m moving these functions into a dedicated Microchip 25LCxx library which I’ll give away when its ready. For now, here’s the working code in a rough format.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <SPI.h>
byte pin_SS2 = PB12;
HardwareSerial Serial3(USART3); // PB11 (RX3) PB10 (TX3)
void EEPROMsetup()
pinMode(pin_SS2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, HIGH);
byte EEPROMread(uint16_t address)
byte read_buffer = 0;
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0b00000011); // Set EEPROM to read mode.
SPI.transfer16(address); // Send the 16-bit address
read_buffer = SPI.transfer(0xFF); // A dummy byte is sent to read the buffer.
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, HIGH);
Serial3.print("Reading: ");
Serial3.print("Address: ");
return read_buffer;
void EEPROMwriteByte(uint16_t address, byte value)
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0b00000110); // WREN write enable latch.
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0b00000010); // WRITE INSTRUCTION
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, HIGH);
delay(5); // Taken from datasheet. This slows down EEPROMWriteByte a bit, but if a second write is started before the
// first can be completed, it will ignore the second one. That's bad. While the write is in progress, the STATUS register
// may be read to check the status of the Write-in-process (WIP) bit (Figure 2-6). I haven't tried that one yet.
Serial3.println("Write complete");
byte EEPROMreadStatus()
byte read_buffer;
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0b00000101); // Red STATUS register
read_buffer = SPI.transfer(0xFF); // A dummy byte to read the buffer.
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, HIGH);
return read_buffer;
// Serial3.print("Status: ");
// Serial3.println(read_buffer);
// Serial3.println("");
void EEPROMWritePage(uint16_t page_num, byte *save_this_array)
// Pages are 64 bytes. I'll give each preset a page for simplicity.
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0b00000110); // WREN write enable latch.
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0b00000010); // WRITE INSTRUCTION
SPI.transfer16(page_num * 64); // Send address of page number. Must start at n * 64.
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
SPI.transfer(save_this_array[i]); // WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG
digitalWrite(pin_SS2, HIGH); // close up the write process
delay(5); // See TWC in datasheet
Serial3.println("Page Write complete");
void setup()
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // 72Mhz / 16 = 4.5Mhz
Serial3.begin(19200); // PB11 (RX) PB10 (TX)
Serial3.println("Serial3: 3");
byte preset_arr[64];
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
preset_arr[i] = i;
EEPROMWritePage(0, preset_arr);
EEPROMWritePage(2, preset_arr);
// Read Page Two Page 2 starts at 64*2 and ends at (64*3 - 1)
for (int i = 128; i < 192; i++)
EEPROMwriteByte(50, 21);
EEPROMwriteByte(52, 22);
EEPROMwriteByte(30, 23);
} // end of setup
void loop()